Jack never really cared about anything, he was a loner and spent all his free time online in various game servers.
He worked as Pizza Delivery boy as the job was easy and he made good tips. He would always compare his tips to the tips his female friends made and be upset. He would sit in the staff waiting room ready for a call out and moan as the girls returned and boasted about their huge tips.
Oh it's so easy dirty fat guys sitting at home waiting for a pizza flash them a little tit the girls would laugh and watch them groan as they hand over their money.
They would giggle like witches
Jack was small and cute looking you could almost mistake him for a plain looking girl. The girl next door type. His hair was roughly cut and looked a little impish and the hours spent sitting on his bottom playing video games had made his ass spread out like a girls.
He would often find that from behind people would call him Miss.
It was the grave yard shift and Jack as usual did not mind what hours he worked he had no one to see and nothing to do so he sat in the room as the last shift left and his started the girls mocking voices ringing in his head
Hi Jacky they always called him that he hated it. But as always never said a word.
Hi Jacky they all coo'ed you should dress like a girl wear our uniform and you could earn more tips. Giggle wear my panties and Sally threw her pink cotton thong at him.
The left and he sat down still holding Sally's thong
I will show them he gritted his teeth and went into the girls changing room.
he stripped and found Sally's locker she was his size he opened the locker and found what he was looking for. He checked her bra cup size and her jeans and polo shirt unifrom and then quietly locked the door and returned to his duty.
A week or so passed and Jack's parcel arrived. He was excited he had order the best breasts forms he could afford. His plan was beginning to unfold.
That evening as usual he filled his bag with gaming magazines but this evening he hid at the bottom of the bag Sally's pink cotton thongs and his breast forms
He was ready for the grave yard shift Saturday night through to 10am Sunday morning.
He arrived just as the girls were leaving they teased him as he entered the staff room.
He blushed and looked down as always.
Soon they had left.
He was alone he rushed into the girls changing room heart beating a million beats a minute he quickly undressed and hid his clothes in his bag he spread the quick setting glue across his chest just as he had practice and then pressed on the forms he counted under his breath one eye darting around the room the other ever watchful and weary of the door
He reached 50 and released the forms the fell from his hands and bounced gently like pert c cup breasts should.
He marveled at the weight and how they pulled at his chest. He smiled and wonder how bigger breasted girls even got up.
He wiggled and giggled at the forms and how they bounced. He stood still he could hear someone outside the door his heart raced he tried to shrink into the shadows he stood stock still the only movement was the gentle bounce of his breasts as they reacted to his pounding heart. The voices died down and their footsteps moved away.
Jack sighed.
He slipped on the cotton thong he almost purred as he pulled the string into place between his ass cheeks he tucked away his tiny cockette and balls and then pulled from Sally's locker her bra and black tight fitting jeans next he put on her female polo t-shirt and her white trainers.
He used her makeup and highlighted his eyes and painted his lips then put on her cap. He stood in front of the girls mirror and a cute next door girl posed back at him.
Perfect his whispered and walked out in the most effete way he could.
He sat in the staff room with his big jacket on this hid everything and no one spoke to him anyway. The bell rang he got up it was daylight now very early on Sunday he put on his helmet and jacket and hidden away from everyone rushed in and picked up the three pizza boxes a quick trip into the suburbs and Jack now Jacky fresh faced and pert rang the door bell.
He stood in a perfect girlie pose and smiled
the door opened and the new improved Jacky stepped into the house she smiled and in her most cheerleader pert way said
Hi Sir your Pizza Pies
The guy looked drunk and hung over all at the same time he waved in Jacky and she walked into the lounge to see several guys in similar condition.

She flirted with each guy and as she passed the last guy she shook her girly ass in his face
the guys laughed and said well what is your name
Jack replied Jacky sir how can I help
Jack's total innocence misunderstood the situation he kept on giving put signals and the guys were sharks to his innocent girl next door act.
Jacky is it the largest guy said well girl how about some cock Jack blushed errr well sir nooo.....
With out hesitation the guy pushed Jacky on the floor and pushed his cock into her mouth
Jack's mind screamed but he did not know what to do so he sucked on the cock. This sent the sharks wild and very soon Jack was learning what it really meant to be a Jacky.
They had stripped him and had discovered his secret but they were horny and he looked so femm that they all took turns in fucking him
finally his faced covered in cum
his breast forms dripping in cum
they let the Pizza Boy go....